Pfizer Ecuador

Pfizer Ecuador

Pfizer Ecuador

Looking to the future and seeking to renew and boost its presence in Ecuador, Pfizer decided to relocate its headquarters to EKOPARK Corporate Center, seeking to bring its offices closer to a key business and innovation point in the country.

Under concepts of efficiency, transparency, innovation, connectivity, identity, excellence, and roots, Pfizer sought to achieve an open, flexible, and collaborative space that would allow its team to continue its innovation processes, while the space would enhance the corporate culture of the company, together with the different cultures and landscapes of Ecuador to achieve a welcoming, comfortable space with its own identity.

With collaboration being the main engine for innovation, open and collaborative spaces were at the heart of the project. Around a large central collaborative space, and a terrace that encourages sharing and teamwork, while making the most of the views of the site, the design team places the workstations (under an open space concept), and its main meeting rooms, next to the windows, maximizing the use of natural light throughout the space.

The furniture, materials, and branding proposal made the space achieve a more relaxed, comfortable work atmosphere and, above all, open to collaboration between the different teams. The project has a large cafeteria for its staff, as well as a dedicated Mother’s Room, and a medical center. As a leading biopharmaceutical company in the world, the well-being and health of Pfizer’s staff are a priority for the company.

Through its meeting rooms, different areas of the country are visited, evoking the biodiversity and scenic beauty of Ecuador and its people. At the entrance of the project, a huge green wall welcomes a space where the corporate culture of Pfizer and the country are celebrated and flow in an innovative, dynamic, transparent space open to all.